18 Mukhi Rudraksha

18 Mukhi Rudraksha

Eighteen faced Rudraksha represents Mother Earth and is related to Eighteen types of Vanaspati (herbs) in the Body. It is a very rare Rudraksha.

The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi will never get any disease in the life time and get all kinds of happiness and comforts in his life. This Rudraksha have 18 Eighteen powers in it which protects the wearer from all kinds of evils and problems. It removes the laziness and excessive sleep from the wearer of this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha helps in Ayurveda, chemical process, cloths etc. It is a very powerful antedote for Saturn miseries and provides miraculous cures to several ailments.

Recommended to be worn on chest as a necklace , on forehead on third eye region or on right arm. This Rudraksha can be worn on Monday or Friday.

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