This Rudraksha has nine natural lines or mukhas on its surface and is related to Nau Kuli Naag (Nine Cobra). Nine faced Rudraksha is the form of the Goddess Durga (Shakti). It contains the power of Nine Deities.
The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi get all the fronts open for him in the passage of success. This Rudraksha belongs to nine powers and also nine Naag( snake, Cobra) resides in it. It cures snake bite, for this cure the 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is dipped in the water filled in the copper vessel. The water than is to given to the such patient is surely saved from death. By wearing nine faced Rudraksha the man gets blessings from Durga Shakti, the Supreme Mother. By this the wearer gets endurance, bravery, courage, and his name and fame spreads all round. His devotion in god increases.
His will power is strengthened. Nine faced Rudraksha give the wearer both devotion and salvation. Practicing rituals to worship the Shree Yantra and along with it wearing of the nine faced Rudraksha give both the worldly pleasures and the salvation.